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Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur


About Me

I'm a Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur

I’m Aksa Merin, dedicated professional with a background in B.Com  from Kannur University. I have the skills and experience to help online business growth. I am skilled in developing and executing modern digital marketing plans.

Specializing in website design, SEO, social media marketing,  content marketing, and email marketing. As a freelance digital marketer in Kannur, I provide better-quality services to my clients, helping them achieve online success.  

Are you searching for a skilled Freelance  Digital  Marketer in Kannur for your company or brand?   


 What service can I provide as a Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur

Web design by Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur

Web Development

A website is an important part of digital world. Because it helps with your online presence. The designers help create a website for your business.

Social Media Management By Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur

Social Media Management

SMM is like connecting with more people on an online platform. Share interesting content like pictures, videos, and posts to get people's interest in your business.

SEO for Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur

Search Engine Marketing

SEM is a type of digital marketing strategy used to promote business websites by increasing visibility in search engine pages through paid advertising.

Content Marketing by Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach used to attract, interest, and engage their audience by sharing videos, photos and other posts. This strategy promotes your business.

email marketing for Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a form of marketing, sending direct messages to customers with the help of mail. This strategy helps promote your business's products or services.

SEO for Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of improving visibility in search engine results organically. This method is used for various elements on websites, such as keywords, quality content, etc.

My Skills

As a Best Freelance digital Marketer in Kannur

In today’s digital world, businesses are increasingly dependent on online channels to reach and engage with their target audiences. The transition resulted in an increasing demand for professionals skilled in digital marketing. As a freelance digital marketer in Kannur, I am responsible for strategizing, implementing, and optimising online marketing campaigns to drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, and revenue growth. 

Search engine optimization 85%
Social Media Marketing 90%
Email Marketing 75%
Content Marketing 80%
Search Engine Marketing 85%
Web Development 90%


What is the importance of a freelance digital marketer in Kannur?

A freelance digital marketer in Kannur is an important part of helping local businesses grow and expand their online presence. In a lot of areas, we are seeing a change towards digital touch as more companies use online platforms to connect with clients. I offer specialised knowledge about digital marketing and help you build a better position in the digital world. As a  freelance digital marketer in Kannur, I promise that  presence uses digital platforms to increase online presence, engagement, and updates, which helps your  businesses grow and succeed.

The Growth of Digital Marketing in 2024

In my opinion, as a freelance digital marketer in Kannur, digital marketing is expected to significantly increase in 2024.. Businesses understand that online platforms have the ability to reach a large audience, especially in view of the increasing use of smartphones and internet adoption.       

In addition, the government’s focus on digital projects like Digital helps to accelerate the expansion of the digital economy. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites are essential for establishing a connection between companies and customers.

The significance of digital marketing methods is further highlighted by the growing trend of e-commerce. As a freelance digital marketer in Kannur, I focus on social media advertising, content marketing, and search engine optimisation (SEO) as more customers choose to shop online. This increases their online presence. Given how quickly the digital ecosystem is developing, there is hope for the future online market.

growth pic freelance digital marketer in kannur

AI in Digital Marketing

I’m going to be researching artificial intelligence in digital marketing as a freelance digital marketer in Kannur. Discuss artificial intelligence (AI) and its increasing importance in several sectors, including digital marketing. Focus on the ways it may improve efficiency and effectiveness and change conventional marketing methods. 


Digital marketing is the  process of  promoting goods and services through online platforms like search engines, email, social media and  websites. It helps connect the  target audience and increase their online  presence. In the current digital world, digital marketing is important  for every business. It is an effective method for tracking  target audiences in the digital world.  As a freelance digital marketer in Kannur, I help to increase website traffic, generate better leads, apply brand awareness, and achieve business growth. 

Digital marketing is valuable for  businesses in today’s digital world. Because it focuses on the right audience efficiently. By using various online channels, such as social media, email, search engines, and websites, businesses can increase their products and services. Are you searching for qualified  freelance digital marketer in kannur?  im help you.

Working as a freelance digital Marketer in Kannur. I know about  local markets, cost- effective solution and better strategies to improve your online presence. It helps business growth, especially in Kannur areas.


Seeking a Freelance Digital Marketer in Kannur? I'm here for you. Let's connect and chat about how I can meet your requirements.


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